• Tuppers Field - last comments today!

      • TODAY Thurs 10th Aug is the last date you can comment on this application, the Parish Council is asking us all to do so.

        Our representatives leading the case against this development have prepared below  a “How to comment” handout concerning the Tuppers Field planning application. They say,

        "We cannot stress enough the importance of as many people as possible objecting. Remember it is each individual who can object, so if there is more than one adult in your home, please all do so. Tell friends and neighbours how important this is to us all. Encourage younger families and help older people with their comments. The deadline is TODAY 10th August and even if you only say that you object on the basis that the application is contrary to the Walberton Neighbourhood Plan every comment will help.

        Let’s see the Arun planning web site inundated with objections please……!

        Thank you

        Ways to Make a Tuppers Field Comment / Representation:

        1. By email:  planning@arun.gov.uk   FAO Michael Eastham
        2. By post:  Michael Eastham, Arun DC, Civic Centre, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF
        3. Online:  Go to http://www.arun.gov.uk/weekly-lists and in the Reference Box enter WA/44/17/OUT and hit Search. On the page that appears, click on that same reference no. There are then tabs to Enter Comment and another to view all documents. Look at the Illustrative Masterplan (highest page number) and other documents. Return to Enter Comment tab, give your name and address (the address is not publicised) and make your Comment / Representation.



        The final date for Comments is 10th August



        What to say?

        Don’t just copy another comment - enter your own thoughts in your own words. Don’t get too personal. Stay polite, factual and objective. You can object on any grounds you like, but ones that are Material Considerations count for most. You will find more on this on the next page, but the main grounds for objecting are that the application does not follow the Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Plan and national guidelines (the “NPPF”).

        An eight page draft of what the Parish Council intends to say has been put on the WPC website, http://walberton.arun.gov.uk and you can use that to help. Here is a summary:

        • ADC’s own Consultants LUC say that the site has “little scope for accommodating growth without impacting on the landscape quality and sensitivity of the Walberton Village Conservation Area”


        • ADC’s Full Council backed the WPC petition and agreed the site was not suitable for development. All the past assessments have said the same thing (HELAA).


        • Development would be contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan because
          • the site was the most unpopular one in the parish survey and so it was not one of those that was allowed for development under the Neighbourhood Plan policies
          • it is putting too many houses in one place, not scattered about the villages
          • it is a loss of green space near the centre of the village and will increase flood risk
          • it will harm the rural character of the village and will devalue the landscape
          • it will damage the Conservation Area setting and increase congestion in The Street
          • it is outside the boundary of the built up area and so is not allowed


        • Development is contrary to the Local Plan, the old one and the emerging one because
          • it is outside the Local Plan built up area boundaries
          • it will have  “significant negative effect” on the historic environment and landscape
          • it will damage the golf course and be bad for the hotel, our largest employer
          • it will be negative for flooding and sewerage risks


        MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS: When a decision is made on a planning application, only certain issues are taken into account. If evidence exists then that is better than an opinion.

        There is lots of online guidance. If an identified problem can be dealt with by means of a suitable condition then the Council is required to consider this rather than issuing a refusal.

        Issues that may be relevant to the decision

        • Local, strategic, national planning policies and policies in the Development Plan

        • Emerging new plans which have been through at least one stage of public consultation

        • Government and Planning Inspectorate requirements - guidance and advice

        • Loss of outlook to the detriment of residential amenity (though not loss of view as such)

        • Overlooking and loss of privacy

        • Highway issues: traffic generation, vehicular access, highway safety

        • Noise or disturbance resulting from use, including proposed hours of operation

        • Capacity of physical infrastructure, e.g. in the public drainage or water systems

        • Deficiencies in social facilities, e.g. spaces in schools

        • Loss or effect on trees

        • Adverse impact on nature conservation interests & biodiversity opportunities

        • Effect on listed buildings and conservation areas

        • Incompatible or unacceptable uses

        • Local financial considerations offered as a contribution or grant

        • Layout and density of building design, visual appearance and finishing materials

        • Inadequate or inappropriate landscaping or means of enclosure

        Issues that are relevant to the decision:

        • Building regulation matters or similar e.g. structural stability, drainage details

        • Private issues between neighbours e.g. land/boundary disputes, damage to property,

          private rights of access, covenants, ancient and other rights to light etc.

        • Problems in the construction period of any works, e.g. noise, dust, vehicles, work-hours.

        • Applicant’s personal circumstances unless exceptional e.g. facilities for disabled

        • Previously made objections/representations regarding another site or application

        • Factual misrepresentation of the proposal

        • Opposition to business competition

        • Loss of property value

        • Loss of view


        Other Tuppers Field possible issues:  Increase in traffic generation;  Increase in noise and light pollution;  Impact on landscape character, the village’s visual amenity and the setting of the conservation area; Impact on village facilities - health and schools;  Adverse effect the economy, employment and recreational facilities leading to environmental, social and economic problems (Avisford Park).


        Proposed Local Plan is at http://www.arun.gov.uk/local-plan-primary-evidence 

        Refer to PELP 37


        Walberton Neighbourhood Plan is at http://walberton.arun.gov.uk/main.cfm?type=WALBERTONNEIGHBOUR